What is Mercari's Phone Number, e-Mail Address, How do I reach Mercari USA Customer Support?

Updated June 14, 2021
One of the most frequent questions SellerThink gets asked on YouTube and anywhere else we may be interacting socially is, "How do I get in touch with Mercari's Customer Support.
How do you reach Mercari USA customer support when you have a real problem?
The first option which is often the fastest option, is to contact Mercari directly from within its app.
The Mercari app features a help tab where specific kinds of help concerns are addressed. Choose the help topic you need, and you'll be presented with a chat / message box. This method is good for questions that do not involve issues that might lead to an account suspension, because a record is created and stored within the app. Not all questions can be easily addressed from within the app.
(You can also contact them by logging into your account on their website)
Second best, is to contact Mercari via one of their e-mail addresses. This is a good method for any concerns that could result in losing your account, since e-mails occur outside of the app, in case you need to refer back to them after an account suspension.
Third, you can contact Mercari via their Facebook page via messenger. This method can be really fast or really slow. You'll need to have your Facebook account linked to your Mercari account to get the most helpful support, since they can verify you easier.
Fourth, Mercari has a Twitter account. But don't expect any useful support on Twitter. On Twitter, Mercari will ask you to contact them via the app or e-mail if your question concerns your account.
Fifth, Mercari has a phone number for Billing and Account Issues, and a second phone number for all other customer support issues.
Mercari's Support Methods
* Mercari USA Customer Support Phone Number is: 1-888-578-5870
* Mercari USA Billing Support Phone Number is: 1-888-325-2168
* Chat Message from app or website directly on Mercari.
* Mercari's USA Customer Support Emails are:
* You can also go straight to the app or website Mercari USA Contact Us page.
Here are a few other helpful Mercari pages that we get asked for all the time.
* Mercari's Terms of Service page also contains policies about suspensions, money holds, and other things you will not find mentioned anywhere else, so read it.