How to sell Candy and Snacks for Mercari Pro Sellers

How to sell Candy and Snacks  on Mercari 

Successfully sell Food and Candy on the Mercari App and Website for Small Business Sellers. 

(Read Disclaimers Below) You've probably been told by tons of people on Facebook, Reddit, Twitter and even YouTube, that "You can't sell Food and Candy on Mercari!", I'm going to tell you my Trade Secrets and many of the steps I gave while mentoring a Mercari Seller Michele's Pantry that helped them open and run their Candy and Food store on Mercari.

WARNING: I won't tell you everything, but i'll tell you enough to destroy yourself if you're a new or arrogant seller, and I'll also tell you enough to get started successfully, if you are a patient, wise and professional seller. (This information is considered Professional Level Mercari Skills! Use at your own risk! Your use of the content in this video is your acknowledgement that you assume all risks. Additional disclaimers below. (As mentioned in the video, comments for this particular video have been disabled)

MENTORING CASE STUDY: Michele's Pantry. I enjoyed mentoring them and helping them come back from the brink of suspension, to ultimately succeed as a seller and continue to expand their product categories beyond food and candy.

(VIDEO CONTENT DISCLAIMER: The content in this video is provided as-is and accurate on the date the video was premiered and published to YouTube. Only Mercari itself can validate or invalidate aspects of its contents. Results and answers provided by Mercari's representatives may vary depending on the representative you reach. Failure to follow any or all steps outlined in this video, in addition to having the necessary seller skills to navigate through aspects intentionally omitted from the video, may result in Mercari Suspension. Use at your own risk. This video is intended for Mercari's Experienced Sellers Only. SellerThink and Randy Dreammaker accept no responsibility, nor liability for your misuse, misapplication, or skipping any of the numerous steps suggested. By implementing any of these steps or procedures on your store, you are agreeing that you possess the necessary level of experience as a seller, required to implement aspects of this guidance that was not provided in the video and that could only have been provided in a one-on-one paid consultation.)