MOM - Randy Dreammaker's New Song - Free MP3 and Lyrics

Official Website for Randy Dreammaker's 2025 release of "MOM"

Album cover of "MOM" trending song by Randy Dreammaker

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by Randy Dreammaker

(VERSE ONE) Mom, we didn't always see things the same. Sometimes I yelled, sometimes you screamed. Some times bad dreams, sometimes afraid. But I loved you as much as anyone could be. TEAR DROPS. (CHORUS 1 ) You've been gone a while. I still miss your smile. Wished it was a dream. When my eyes start to stream. How can you be gone? It just seems so wrong. Sometimes inside me, I just want to scream. (VERSE TWO) Mom's don't last forever, its hard to believe. I couldn't imagine, that one day you'd leave. A stroll in the mountains, a walk by the beach. A snowball fight, the Santa Ana Breeze. CANT SLEEP. (CHORUS 2) I just want to SCREAM! I JUST WANT TO SCREAM! I JUST WANT TO SCREAM! I JUST WANT TO SCREAM! (BRIDGE) I... want to hold your hand again. Hear.... your voice in the kitchen. Say... you all stop your bitch-in. See... you smile and start laughing. Here... you sing, I can't get them up in the morning. I'd... settle for a recording... of you.... (VERSE THREE) I hope your well, up in the sky, in that place. Where we go after we die. I'll see you soon, faster than I might believe. Save me some room, high up in that place. SEE YOU SOON! (CHORUS 2) I just want to SCREAM! I JUST WANT TO SCREAM! I JUST WANT TO SCREAM! I JUST WANT TO SCREAM! That I love you, mom...