DJX 2 Articles From Yamaha DJX Community

 Yamaha DJX Musician Resources

Yamaha DJX Users Community

Yamaha DJX Official Documents Archive

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DJX II Articles From Yamaha DJX Community (.PDF)

The articles in these Articles From Yamaha DJX Community were captured for educational archival purposes from 1999 to 2015 and are Copyright to their owners.

Translation result

All files available through the Yamaha DJX Keyboard Archive are the Property of Randy Dreammaker and RGAPCreative (Unless otherwise noted).  By using any articles, software, photos or other content, you agree that you may only use them strictly for Personal and Educational Purposes. Any distribution on or offline requires attribution credit and a link to this archive to be provided. (NOTE: Any still active websites archived content is serving only as an archive mirror and includes a link to the active website and your use is subject to their terms.) Content is licensed under Creative Commons License 4.0 International - Noncommerical - Attribution Required.

You must provide an Attribution Statement anywhere you post or reuse any content from the archive, giving credit to Randy Dreammaker, Yamaha DJX Archive, Including a link to the Randy Dreammaker website, and providing a statement of the creative commons license.

Proper Format for Web Attribution:

Yamaha DJX Archive by Randy Dreammaker is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0

Proper Format for Offline Attribution:

Yamaha DJX Archive © 2022 by is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0. To view a copy of this license, visit